Reading is good for all of us, and Bill Gates knows it well. Gates mentions that he likes to party and spend time with his family, but reading books is also one of his hobbies. On his Gates Notes blog She shares her passion for reading and offers recommendations on books she’s read in the past year.
On this occasion, he decided to take his list beyond the last twelve months, and in one article, he mentions the books he claims to have recommended to his family and friends over the past five years, as well as being among his favorites. Here are 5 recommended books to read, some of Bill Gates’ all-time favorites:
A great introduction to science fiction for adults: A stranger in a strange landRobert Heinlein.
Bill Gates mentions this book as one of his all-time favorite science fiction novels. It tells the story of a young man who grows up on Mars and returns to Earth to start a new religion. I think great science fiction makes you think about what the future might be, and Heinlein was able to predict the rise of hippie culture years before it emerged.
Best memories of a rock star: SurrenderFrom Bono.
This is one of the latest ones that Bill Gates read and put on his list. If you’re a fan of rock or the band U2, you’re probably already thinking about reading it. Even if you’re not, Bill says it’s a fun read about how a kid from the Dublin suburbs grew up to become a world-famous rock star and philanthropist.
The Best Guide to Running a Country: Rivals teamDoris Cairns Goodwin.
I haven’t read enough about Abraham Lincoln and this is one of the best books on the subject. The businessman writes Gates says it’s especially relevant now that the United States is again facing violent insurgency, difficult questions about race and deep ideological divisions. “Goodwin is one of America’s greatest biographers, and Team Rivals is arguably her masterpiece.”
Best guide to get rid of the problem: The inner game of tennisRobert Galway.
According to Bill Gates, this 1974 book is a must-read for anyone who plays tennis, “but I think even people who have never played it will get something out of it.” Galve argues that mindset is more important than physical appearance. Gate mentions that Galway gives great advice on how to overcome mistakes constructively, something I’ve tried to follow on and off the track over the years.
Best book on the periodic table: Mendeleev’s dreamD Paul Strathern.
Those who are fascinated by chemistry know that its history is filled with strange characters, such as Dmitri Mendeleev, the scientist who first proposed the periodic table, which is thought to have happened in a dream. Strather’s book traces that story back to its origins in ancient Greece. It’s a fascinating look at how science develops and how human curiosity has evolved over the millennia. Bill Gates recommends it and has expressed his love for science more than once, and if you’re part of this group, you’ll surely love it too.
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Prone to fits of apathy. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Internet advocate. Avid travel enthusiast. Entrepreneur. Music expert.