No doubt about it Spotify It is one of the best apps you can download to listen to music and in many cases we may want it Playback is paused automatically. If you listen to music while you go to sleep, you can easily stop Spotify playback called “sleep timer”. From iPhone, we have 3 different ways to set a timer on Spotify.
From the Spotify app itself
The Spotify app itself has a “sleep timer” function when you want to end playback. This is a useful activity, but Not very customizable Since we only have a few time options, it is the fastest to use for specific moments.
- Open Spotify and enter the playback screen.
- Tap on the three dot icon on the top right.
- Click on the timer below.
- Choose 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 minutes, 1 hour or the end of the song.
The Spotify app has its own timer
iPhone Clock from Apple
Another option is to use IPhone Clock App To set up a countdown to end playback. This is the way Put a timer on Apple MusicAnd Works on any voice or video playback application on iPhone or iPad.
- Enter the clock app and tap on the timer on the bottom right.
- At the top we see a dial with hours, minutes and seconds and we adjust it to our liking.
- Click on the Done option.
- Below is the option to stop playback that we need to activate.
- Click Save in the top right.
- To program Spotify’s shutdown, click Start.
So you can activate a timer
Using shortcuts
There is another option that is more fun, especially if you want to stop playback every day. Thanks WhatsApp Shortcuts We can create an automation to do whatever we want at any time of the day. So, we can Set the music to stop playing at a certain time Every day, forget to schedule each time. You need to follow these steps:
- Go to the Shortcuts app on your iPhone.
- Create individual automation by tapping on Automation below.
- Select the time of day and set the time when you want to stop Spotify.
- You can choose if it happens every day, week or month.
- In the bottom bar, type Play / Pause and tap on the option.
- Now tap on Play / Pause and select Pause.
- Tap Next and turn off Ask for Confirmation.
- Tap OK.
An automation is best to stop the music when we need it
These are Three ways to stop Spotify music automatically After a predetermined time. Two of them are compatible with any other type of audio or video playback.
Related topics: Tutorials
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