According to Kate Rev., the vast majority (83%) of OSS members report feeling better physically and mentally after swimming, but they insist that “health is not the only story”: like three-quarters of its members, it takes wild baths for “connection with nature” and “spiritual upliftment”.
For her, a cold bite is not the goal of the experiment, but a drawback that must be contained in certain latitudes: “You can not stay in the water as long as you want, but we will use it.” Contact with the elements is also essential for the Rita icon, whose work focuses on the atmosphere of human life. “This simple exercise is intended to make a profound transformation and radical change by encouraging you to consciously participate in natural processes,” says her web page. “It lifts, strengthens and empowers, and she continues to be personal. The way to cultivate courage.
As they exit the water, the group dresses casually, like former Soviet refugees on Brighton Beach, smoking a cigarette in their swimsuits, and the amazement of pedestrians after their famous New Year’s Eve celebration. Endorphins.
“It’s like you’re anesthetized,” said Paula Diggio, a graphic designer wearing a thin coral bathrobe, blowing her hair in the wind. She says it was out of curiosity that she first arrived as a spectator. After the swim, people found her very “happy and alive” and she decided to give it a try next week. “My first immersion was short, and I came out immediately. Now I’m trying to stay in the water longer, to feel my body, not to shrink my shoulders.”
This is fun, not to mention the feeling of belonging to a community.
Paula finds that this experience has changed her relationship with winter, which she enjoys more: “I’m less cold, and I spend more time outdoors. I walk in the park, I cycle.” Sasha Dobson, a jazz singer in a neon pink swimsuit who joined the group a month ago, is a cautious person. “I love the ocean, but I hate the cold! I grew up in California, my favorite season is summer. I’m always afraid I’ll get sick and lose my voice. I try not to come every Sunday, and every Sunday I go beyond my ideas.
Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Troublemaker. Freelance beer evangelist. Amateur pop culture nerd.