The Technology It is part of the daily lives of hundreds of people. In this case, having one is essential Cell O Smartphone It makes communication easier. However, these Tools Suffering does not exclude them, and sometimes they can Overheat Introduce some shortcomings.
Whether by surfing the Internet for long periods of time, by taking pictures on multiple social networks at the same time, by talking on the phone for long periods of time, or by using GPS. Cell phones They can Overheat While this is not dangerous, it does increase Temperature Will make Mobile Work slowly.
One of the existing ones Reasons One of the main reasons why The cell phone heats up A malware or virus has infected the operating system of a device. This type of malicious software is installed Cell phones When downloading anonymous applications. However, there are other reasons Mobile devices Trend .Come clean. In Techbit We tell you.
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Technology company Huawei records it Cell phones It can be heated on time Load, Because chargers provide high current, which can cause More heat; When the WiFi signal is weak, the reason Telephone Transmission power will increase; And Video callsSince they use the internet and the camera at the same time, this will result in a lot of battery usage Phone heating.
The Chinese company adds others Reasons why cell phones get hot: When playing music, with long phone calls, between updates Applications Works in the background, when downloading apps, using GPS, and watching long videos.
(Photo: Pixby)
Apple, an American company dedicated to the design and manufacture of electronic devices Reasons why cell phones get hot. It is recommended that multinational-owned iOS devices be kept at ambient temperatures between 0 C and 35 C, as changes in behavior on the device can be seen beyond this limit.
On their support page, Apple Explains some Reasons for an iOS phone to overheat These include: when the device is first configured, restored from a backup, when applications or functions with high-quality graphics are used, or when applications re-catalog or analyze information; For example, when tagging faces, places, or keywords in photos after a software update.
(Photo: Unplash)
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In these cases, Apple refers to it as one Overheating Normally when the processes are completed the cell phones will return to their normal temperature. However, the US company warns that there are other series Reasons why mobiles get hot Exceeding the recommended temperature.
Apple points out that environmental conditions can also cause it The device heats up, This usually involves changes in the cell phone compartment.
Others Reasons to heat a cell phone They are: Leave Tool In the car on a hot day, it is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, and some activities are used for a long time in hot conditions or in sunlight; For example, using GPS tracking or car navigation or a game with high quality graphics.
(Photo: Pixby)
In one of these cases, Apple mentions it on the support page Cell It can show the opposite effect. If an iOS mobile phone exceeds the recommended temperature, the screen may be dark or completely black, the signal may be weak, the camera may be temporarily disabled, charging may be slower, and the performance of the smartphone may be reduced in applications with graphics. high quality.
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In addition, Apple adds that the alert message “Temperature: iPhone needs to be cooled” may appear on the device and the screen may be turned off. In this case, it is recommended to turn off Cell, Place in a cool place and allow to cool, this way Cell It will resume its operations as soon as possible.
To control The temperature of a cell phone, Exists Applications Helps to measure the temperature of a device and send notifications when it is detected, such as “Battery Temperature” and “AIDA64”. Overheating.
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