WhatsApp users have one more month to agree to the new terms of use – otherwise they will not be able to send short messages as usual.
End of May is May 15th: If you do not agree to the new WhatsApp Terms of Use, you can only use this service to a limited extent. “WhatsApp is updating its Terms of Use and Privacy Policy,” the Facebook affiliate told customers. We explain what the implications are, what the alternatives are, and why the plan failed in court in the short term.
What is so special about WhatsApp Terms of Use?
In 2014, the US group Facebook acquired WhatsApp-App short messaging service. In 2016, it also had an impact on users: thereafter, Terms of Use stated that WhatsApp could exchange user data with all other Facebook services. “Facebook gets account information, for example,” explain customer counseling centers. Among other things, profile name, profile picture, mobile phone number and, if applicable, e-mail address. So the data comes from WhatsApp users, as well as phone numbers from users’ address books. According to consumer advocates, this means that Facebook receives data from people who do not use any of its offers. After all: “According to its own statement, the US company does not currently use WhatsApp account information in Germany for advertising purposes.”
What will change with the new Terms of Use?
On January 4, WhatsApp changed not only its terms of use but also its privacy policy and has been asking users for consent ever since. “Basically, it’s about data transfer, the use of user data within the Facebook group, and the companies that use WhatsApp,” the Consumer Advisory Center explains the procedures. However, the announcement sparked protests among many users. WhatsApp forced to respond: If users approve the changes by February 8, they will now be given more time. The new deadline is May 15.
What happens if you do not agree to the new Terms of Use by May 15?
Then WhatsApp can only be used in limited quantities. According to the company’s website, you can still receive calls and notifications for a short time, but WhatsApp warns you not to “read or send messages” in the app.
Will my old chat histories be lost forever?
No. WhatsApp promises that this will not happen in the first place. This means that users will be able to accept the new Terms of Use after May 15. The short message service can be reused without restrictions.
What if I do not want to accept the new Terms of Use?
All that is left is to say goodbye to WhatsApp. The good news: You can also send short messages, photos and videos through alternative chat programs. Apps are installed on the smartphone in a matter of seconds. An important hurdle remains when switching: the best app will not work if friends, relatives and colleagues are still loyal to WhatsApp. You can only chat as usual if your friends are ready to install a WhatsApp alternative. If you are not sure if a change means anything, you can try installing alternative apps in parallel on your smartphone until May 15 and then decide if it makes sense to say goodbye to WhatsApp. An effect that the company certainly did not intend is currently facilitating a change: After WhatsApp announced plans to change the Terms of Use in the winter, many users began to flee – Signal and Triumph Download Attack Charts in App Stores. Talked about “Digital Migration of People”.
What do I do if I want to delete my WhatsApp account?
If you want to save old chat histories, photo and video files, you need to export and save the data. It is important not to uninstall the application. “You must also delete your account before you can uninstall the application,” advise consumer attorneys. Instructions can be found on the websites of Consumer Advisory Centers (www.bit.ly/whatsapp-tipp).
Will there be a last-minute stoppage of planned WhatsApp discoveries by the courts?
It is possible. Hamburg city data protection officer Johannes Caspar announced this week that he would take action against a planned change in WhatsApp rules. Casper opened related procedures. “WhatsApp rules contain advanced passages that give the service the right to share user data with other Facebook companies,” Kasper explained in his approach. Provides Facebook’s data protection guidelines for cross-company usage and evaluation of data from affiliates. He feared that the new regulations would create additional opportunities for data transfer for marketing purposes and direct mail. Facebook has an EU seat in Ireland and a German branch in Hamburg. Therefore, city authorities are responsible for Facebook.
Autor: Sebastian Holesley
Prone to fits of apathy. Unable to type with boxing gloves on. Internet advocate. Avid travel enthusiast. Entrepreneur. Music expert.