Captain Noushad Ataul Qaiyimed, 44, married with three children, is considered one of the best pilots in Bangladesh: his childhood passion for aviation, he flew planes Biman Bangladesh Airlines Since 2002, the country has been known for driving several vehicles in extreme conditions, saving the lives of hundreds of people.
The pilot died yesterday morning at Kingsway Hospital NagpurIn India, on Friday, August 27, after another air rescue, he was rushed to hospital in critical condition. Board. Flying over India, Noushad Ataul Qaiyimed He fell ill suddenly. He noticed the problem and flew on the first available runway before the fatal heart attack. A CT scan at the hospital found bleeding in the brain. A few days before the flight, the captain received a second dose of Pfizer vaccine.
Bangladesh celebrates him as a hero, not only for his technology but also for his human abilities. Friends, colleagues and relatives remember him as a person. “Special person“, It has enjoyed a great reputation and now leaves a deep void in the country. The body is expected in Dhaka in the coming days, where it will be welcomed by the country’s top authorities.

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