Interest on Portuguese debt is set to rise for two, five and 10 years this Monday.
At 8:30 am in Lisbon, the 10-year interest rate rose to 0.510 per cent, from 0.502 per cent on Friday, after ending negatively in the sessions on January 15, 11 and 8, from its current low of 0.059 per cent on December 15.
Between December 8 and 16, interest rates were negative for 10 years.
At the same rate, the five-year interest rate rose to -0.219 per cent, down from -0.228 per cent on Friday and fell to an all-time low of -0.506 per cent on December 15.
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The two-year rate also rose to -0.539 per cent on Friday, down from -0.540 per cent and the current low of -0.746 per cent on December 15.
Interest rates in Greece have risen for two years, fallen in five and 10 years, and those in Italy have fallen in two years and improved in five and 10 years.
8:30 a.m. Sovereign shop interest in Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Spain:
2 years … 5 years … 10 years
10/05 ……- 0,539 …- 0,219 …… 0,510
07/05 ……- 0,540 …- 0,228 …… 0,502
10/05 ……- 0,303 …. 0,217 …… 0,999
07/05 ……- 0,305 …. 0,219 …… 0,993
10/05 ……- 0,587 …- 0,372 …… 0,204
07/05 ……- 0,592 …- 0,381 …… 0,196
10/05 ……- 0,268 …. 0,222 …… 0,967
07/05 ……- 0,263 …. 0,219 …… 0,964
10/05 ……- 0,503 …- 0,207 …… 0,498
07/05 ……- 0,509 …- 0,217 …… 0,485
Source: Bloomberg ‘Bid’ Values (Interest required by investors to borrow) This compares with the conclusion of the last session.
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